But it looks like life is finally settling down to normality again. And before I continue, I have to tell the of the best and biggest change in my life:
Yes--I got engaged!
(Wedding date and other planning is still being worked out at the moment...)
What else have I to announce? Nothing much; well, nothing that compares to that anyway. 😄
At the moment I'm working on my goals for the New Year, and mapping out for myself how I intend to accomplish them. All fun for me, but boring for you I'm sure. But a quick rundown of what I'd like to do this year includes:
- Hit a yearly writing wordcount goal (180,000 words because that's just 500 words a day. I've added a wordcount meter to track my progress into the sidebar).
- Do a Reading Challenge--for me that simply means read all the unread books on my bookshelf (around 80)...and maybe on my Kindle too (thats more like 200...yeah, could be I need to sort through that and ask myself if I SERIOUSLY am ever going to want to read this book, or this book, or this book...)
- Speaking of which--declutter my computer and other aspects of my digital life! (*coughs* like whats on my Kindle? *coughs*)
- I would like to sign up on a site where I can sell prints of my artwork. Still looking into that one. Etsy would be fun but I don't know if I have the time or patience to sell and ship handmade goods at this time. We shall see!
- And of course I want to publish more books this year (I totally failed on that in 2016)
- Also various daily habits I'd like to get into: read my Bible (and keep some sort of devotional journal), exercise, eat healthy and track my food/calories.
I also have decided to try the 101 Things In a 1001 Days Challenge...with some changes of my own. Really its better to say it started out to be that challenge but I had more things to put on my list than 101, and then it seemed that since 1001 days are nearly 3 years, I would just make it a full 3 years. So, we shall see how that pans out.
My main goals for January are:
- finish and publish When Freida Fixes It
- update my fairytale flashfiction anthology
- Have an "Idea Month" where I write or sketch three new creative ideas every day
- Make some "tiny art" this month: Inchies, Rinchies, Betwinchies etc.
- Go ahead and sign up on one of those artsy sites and get at least one art print going! (aka, learn how to do this thing...)
- Of course, start my reading challenge, and the various habits mentioned (which includes 500 words a day for my writing challenge!). I may need to make some kind of habit chart or spreadsheet...
- Declutter/organize my clothes, and work through my Ebooks and Documents for digital decluttering.
- Work on my "101 Things" challenges as I have time,
- And a few more private matters on the list I'm not mentioning online!
As for how I intend to hit all these things...basically breaking them down into Weekly Task Lists and Daily To Do Lists. I can't help myself. Secretly I'm an Organizing List Freak...
At any rate putting my goals and to do lists on my blog keeps me accountable! Now we shall see what I actual manage to get done this month and this year...
Wish me luck!
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