Hello again everyone. I'm afraid I've fell into a blogging rut of late. I'm not keeping up very regularly at all. Sorry. BUT the end of the year approaches. Which for me means, a lot of revisiting of goals and making new ones for the coming year. So, I promise that by January I will have set some new blogging goals and be back to this on a regular basis. Hopefully with better posts. ;) I'm thinking its time for a revamping of my site. I'm not satisfied with its looks, and I'm actually kind of bored by it. I really need to buy a good theme but...yeah. Been putting that off because, ya know. Money. ;)
My days have been filled mostly with writing and art. Of late my favorite art resources have been Youtube videos. Particularly by Jennibellie--especially this playlist on making DIY art journal from scratch!
As for writing, I'm in the midst of getting a flashfiction anthology put together. I'm ready to get it formatted for publishing, and start on the ebook cover. I'm really excited about this, as its short retellings of lesser known fairytales...favorites of mine, like "The Twelve Dancing Princesses" and "Katie Woodencloak."
I finished the first revision of my romantic comedy When Freida Fixes It. Very happy with how it turned out, though I think I'll take another pass through it (mainly for word/sentence/style editing). However, I may not get to it till after Christmas because.....
Can't help it. It's my favorite part of the year. During November I do ONLY the absolute necessities and spend every possible spare moment working feverishly on whatever story (or stories, as some years I write short stories) I have going for NaNo. It's basically playtime for Writer Me! Though this year, I'm going to try and write/finish a new version of my story Aracely Twiggen, with the intent of publishing it next year. So it's play to good purpose. I also have a half-finished Christmas-ish fantasy that I may continue work on, if I actually manage to finish Aracely before the month is over. We shall see!
Don't expect to see or hear much of me until NaNo is over though. I may do blog updates about it. But I wouldn't count on it...
Unless blog posts can be counted for my NaNo wordcount of course! ;)