Monday, September 28, 2015

September Update

I didn't get anything posted last week or this past Friday. Sorry about that. My face broke out in a rash (happens occasionally, no idea what causes it), and when all was said and done, I had no idea what to post, and I didn't feel like writing, so I didn't. And Friday...umm. Just lazy I guess!

So what have I been up to the last few weeks?

Keeping up with Story A Day. I'm afraid its mostly subsided into making myself write down a new story idea before the day is over. That happened last time too. So...hmmm. Might have to rethink my story-a-daying method before the next one. ;)

Revising When Freida Fixes It, a romantic comedy set in the Ozarks. I'm aiming to publish it by the end of December (I was actually aiming for the end of September. But its abundantly clear now that a novelette of 15,000 words requires more revision attention than that. At least for me).

And taking a really awesome art course from Paivi over at the Peony and Parakeet Blog.

Then Saturday, I spent at Alley Springs (local park) with my sister, Stephanie, and my friend, Jami

Future plans:

Today, The Small Product Lab kicks off again. I have a series of six fairytale flashfictions that I'm going to work on. The goal is to start Monday, Sept 28, and have the product launched on Gumroads by Thursday, October 8th. Wish me luck!

And NaNoWriMo is fast approaching! Can't wait for November. I will be writing a new draft of my half-finished fantasy Aracely Twiggen. I'm toying with posting it to Wattpad as I write it but...I don't know. We'll see!

That's about it for me. Have a great week everyone!

Friday, September 11, 2015

How to Write Funny??

This week I had to write a short skit for a friend. It made my brain ache a little bit. Because, while I can write funny, I find it harder to writer funny on demand. For one thing, I'm pretty sure dialogue needs to be far more "snappy" and clever than what I was coming up with...

So, its not surprising that I would go looking for tips on how to write humor!

With that in mind, here are ten articles I found on writing funny. I haven't had a chance to look through all of them, but I have a feeling I will need them in future. At least I can find them easily, thanks to this blog post!

  1. How to Mix Humor In Your Writing

  2. In Good Humor

  3. Tips For Comedy Writers

  4. 10 Ways To Improve

  5. 4 Rules For Script Comedy

  6. How To Write Funny

  7. Humor Writing When You Aren't Funny

  8. 4 Humor Commandments

  9. Writing Funny Novels

  10. 5 Practical Tips